About Us

Join us in the mission to create a cleaner, greener future

This project is at the forefront of the sustainability movement, dedicated to combating waste and promoting eco-conscious living.

About Us

ZeroWaste is an innovative platform developed by MhadStudio, founded by Mohammad Abdulla, serving as the CEO. This project is at the forefront of the sustainability movement, dedicated to combating waste and promoting eco-conscious living.

At ZeroWaste, we believe in the power of small actions to make a big impact. Our mission is to provide you with the tools, knowledge, and inspiration to reduce waste and live a more environmentally responsible life. We offer a range of resources, from practical tips to cutting-edge technology solutions, all designed to empower you in your journey towards a zero-waste lifestyle.

ZeroWaste brings together a community of individuals, businesses, and organizations committed to a world with less waste. Join us in this movement to combat food waste. It starts with you, and it starts right here. Together, we can make a positive impact and create a more sustainable, waste-free world.

Why we build this website?

ZeroWaste It's your go-to resource for tackling the food waste problem.

Here, you'll find practical tips, Technology Solutions, and valuable information that empowers you to reduce food waste in your daily life.

Mhad Studio

I help companies to design website and turn ideas into a functional and delightful experience. I’m focusing on working on interface and digital design, branding and websites design.

Smart Solutions to Slash Food Waste

List of App
Organize your refrigerator
Check Expiration
Shopping list

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to climate news

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(or more if we find interesting things to tell you)